Does the Israeli State have its Portion in Jacob's Troubles ?
Dr Clifford Smyth Writers and speakers on Bible prophecy have been intrigued by the references to "Jacob's Troubles" in the Old Testament. The question is asked what is implied? Some remarkable statements have been made by Israeli experts on some of the miracles that have taken place. Here are a few. On the horrendous day of the 7th of October, when between 1,200 and 1,400 Israeli citizens lost their lives there was the first miracle. Hamas did not know how to use their sophisticated weaponry properly and Hamas failed to attack the Israeli airfields. The second miracle was the failure of Hezbollah in Lebanon to exploit the Hamas attack by invading Israel from the north. The third miracle was the Israeli people themselves, who instead of behaving as lambs to the slaughter became lions. One instance was the four Israeli girl soldiers who took over a tank and drove it straight at Hamas terrorists. Let us pray for wisdom and discernment as world events unfold.
Posted 29/11/23 |
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