Life in the BIWF - October 2010
24/11/10 OCTOBER 2010 Life IN THE B.I.W.F. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Welcome! More news for you to read about events, projects and activities in the Federation.
WATCH OUT FOR: The documentary film – David Aimer and Ed Skelding have been on a very exciting trip to Georgia where they were able to film in the Caucasus Mountains and to see for themselves the Pass of the Israelites. This and other footage of original artefacts and places where our ancestors travelled will make the finished film into a very valuable addition to our message. It will be out next year.
NEW! The Daughters of Destiny was launched at Congress in St Albans by its author, Glyn Lewis. This well-researched book covers the whole of the story of our royal heritage from Adam to Queen Elizabeth II. At only £9.50 it makes an ideal Christmas present for family and friends.
FUTURE EVENTS: The National Bible College – as we go to press there is another lecture at Low Etherley on Tuesday, 26th October given by Rev Barrie Williams on the early church and Whitby. As an added extra this will be followed by a light buffet and then an evening of sacred music provided by the Salvation Army band with commentary on the pieces from Martin Lightfoot. Our Christian Heritage – on Saturday, 30th October. This event is eagerly awaited by our friends in the south as well as by several who make long journeys from the north to be able to participate. Martin Lightfoot will be leading the group around St Paul’s Cathedral and then there will be fellowship over a buffet at a local pub.
RECENT EVENTS: Summer Convention – the theme of ‘Foundations of the Kingdom Message was presented in many different ways by the speakers who managed to provide an overview of the whole teaching for all who came. Each lecture was both taped and filmed and audio cassettes are available on request from HQ. There have been technical difficulties in the production of the DVDs but these should be ready for sale early next year. A complete list will be sent to all members.
Congress – the lectures at Congress went forward from the summer with the theme ‘Building on the Foundations.’ The weekend included a visit to St Albans Cathedral which was very interesting. Glyn Lewis launched his book – see above – and it was a pleasure to meet some new friends as well as renewing contact with some long-standing ones. Audio cassettes are available but, again, DVDs will be ready at a later date. North East Area – this event was well-attended and a very interesting lecture was given by Ken Brack on ‘Dreams.’ Ulster Area Rally – David Aimer joined Ken McFarland as the speakers for this event which had a very good attendance from our friends in Northern Ireland. Mr Aimer gave an illustrated talk on his visit to Georgia which gave everyone a taste of what to expect in the new film.
These websites continue to attract attention and are proving very useful as a way of spreading our message far and wide.
These films are very helpful in stimulating an interest in our teaching.
THE COVENANT NATIONS We are pleased to announce that after the next issue, Number 12, the first volume will be complete! There are details in Number 12 about bound copies of Volume 1. Many thanks to all our writers and contributors from the Editorial Team. The Covenant Nations Volume 2 Number 1 will be out next year.
Please remember to support the magazine with your gifts – it is sent around the world and much appreciated.
Philippa Clark, Publicity Officer
Contact: BIWF, 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 0HA Telephone: 01388 834395 Fax: 01388 835957 e-mail:
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