Life in the BIWF - April 2012
12/07/12 APRIL 2012 Life IN THE B.I.W.F. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Welcome! More news for you to read about events, projects and activities in the Federation.
FREE BOOKLETS You will have received two more booklets with this ‘Life . . .’ – Britain’s God-given Scientific Heritage Destroyed by Metrication Madness and God’s National Flock on Earth – Church and State working together. The final one in the series How long have we been aware of our Israel Kingdom descent? will be sent out in June accompanied by a statement from the BIWF to the Protestant Church on The Israel Kingdom Vision – Why the Church needs to catch-up and soon! together with the Scripturally Based Kingdom Objectives which have been updated and revised. There will be plenty more copies at the Summer Convention for you to collect and distribute as widely as possible.
NEW VENTURE The Drama of the Lost Disciples is now on Kindle ready to be downloaded for a small fee. More books from Covenant Publishing will be added in due course.
DIAMOND JUBILEE RALLY We look forward to a joyful celebration at Low Etherley on Saturday, 30 June, to mark the long reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The programme is being sent with this ‘Life .’
TWO MORE DATES The President, Michael Clark, has been invited to speak at The British Israel Bible Truth Fellowship May Convention on Saturday 12 May in the afternoon session beginning at 2.15. It is being held at the Congregational Church in Orange St, London. The following Friday, 18 May, he is the guest speaker at the Spring Rally organised by Allan and Jackie Edwards to be held at 2.30 pm in the Church Hall, Fore Street, Wellington, Somerset. For details please contact Allan and Jackie Edwards on 01884 822852; mob: 07932 480549/07587 179410.
FUTURE EVENTS: Morecambe Rally – from Friday, 27th April to Sunday, 29th April. The speakers are Michael Clark, Carol Cream, Norman Pearson, Nelson McCausland, David Hilliard, David McLure and David Aimer. The Early British Church – Glastonbury Abbey and Pilton – on Saturday, 19th May from 11 am to 5 pm. A free guided tour through the Abbey grounds and exhibition then on to view the stained glass in St John’s Church and the Pilton Story in Pilton Church.
RECENT EVENTS: Covenant Nations Weekend – this was held as planned in St Albans from Saturday, 10th March to Sunday, 11th March. A small but enthusiastic group were uplifted by the inspiring lectures from the speakers. The President, Michael Clark, welcomed everyone to open the event before lunch and invited Ann-Marie Parker MBE to describe her experience at the Order of the Empire service in St Paul’s Cathedral the previous Wednesday. This set the scene for the lectures which followed. All of them were filmed and the set of DVDs is now available from Headquarters, price £3.00 + p&p. On Sunday morning the service of prayer and worship concluded the event. Our Christian Heritage – Durham Cathedral – The sun shone on this day trip to visit one of the oldest and most beautiful places of worship. The group of 18 people were led around by Martin Lightfoot and it was most interesting to learn more about the history of Christianity in this area. Reverend Barrie Williams came and contributed to the wealth of information which we learned. Scottish Area Rally – on Saturday, 14th April. Reverend Barrie Williams and Robert Graham were the speakers to the theme ‘Has Christianity a Future?’ There will be a full report in the next BIWF Newsletter. Ulster Rally – This was a very well supported event at which Michael Clark spoke on ‘Crown and Commonwealth in Diamond Jubilee Year’ and Clifford Smyth spoke about the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic and its association with Belfast as the meeting was on the anniversary day, 14th April. David Aimer supplied books for the bookstall and the sales for CPC were very gratifying.
BE PREPARED! Carlisle Rally – on Saturday, 2nd June. Speakers are Archie Linnegan and David Aimer. Summer Convention – at Hothorpe Hall, from 23rd – 28th July. The theme this year is ‘Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.’ Scottish Area Rally – on Saturday, 8th September. Ulster Rally – on Saturday, 15th September. 93rd Annual Congress – at Gilsland Spa, from 5th – 8th October. The theme is ‘He shall rule over the House of Jacob for ever.’ The National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery – London – on Saturday, 3rd November. The influence on our Christian heritage by our monarchs.
THE COVENANT NATIONS The Covenant Nations Volume 2 Number 6 is in production and will be out at the end of next month with the theme of ‘Empire to Commonwealth.’ Please note: remember that the postage rates have been increased when sending in your contributions.
Philippa Clark, Publicity Officer
Contact: BIWF, 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 0HA Telephone: 01388 834395 Fax: 01388 835957 e-mail: |
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