Life in the BIWF - April 2016
APRIL 2016 Life IN THE B.I.W.F. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Welcome! More news for you to read about events, projects and activities in the Federation.
‘A LAWFUL SUBMISSION’ WITH THIS Life The very serious Kingdom Foundation publicity sheet on the constitutional illegality of Britain's position in the EU, sent with this issue of Life, could not be of greater importance and significance at this time. A copy will accompany the next issue of The Covenant Nations in late May with further copies being available on request. The government is sending a pro-EU booklet to 27 million households which will avoid the truth of this evidence in the Referendum campaign.
Last year the cottage at 117, Low Etherley, immediately on the left when approaching Headquarters, came on the market. After the Board had viewed it the decision was made to purchase it and to explore how it could be used. The property was in excellent condition and it was decided to approach a company to manage it as a holiday let on behalf of the Federation. All the necessary arrangements have been made and ‘Daykin Cottage’ is now on the website of Welcome Cottages and available from 15 April, 2016. We are pleased to say that bookings are already being made.
The rally on Saturday, 4th June at Headquarters in Low Etherley is now planned and the programme is available. Put the date in your diary and join friends for a day of fellowship and thanksgiving. It is a great blessing to be able to witness to the continuation of the monarchy over these years of trouble, upheaval and instability in the second half of the 20th century. Our longest reigning and longest living monarch is a living testimony to the covenant with David.
It is a pleasure to report that sales of The Drama of the Lost Disciples in the USA continue well and the original printing there of 5,000 copies will soon be sold. There will be another reprint so that this popular book is always available to new readers in North America.
NEW ZEALAND FLAG: An ensign is lifted ‘from far’
The ensign of the covenant nations — the Union Jack, or the Union of Jacob — has been retained in a referendum in New Zealand on their flag. As a company of nations under God we are reminded of the words of the prophet Isaiah in chapter 5 and verse 26, that “He will lift up an ensign to the nations from far . . . from the end of the earth.” We are pleased to say that about 200 copies of The Union Jack by Patricia Bagwell were bought from CPC by a customer in New Zealand who wanted to use them in the campaign.
Morecambe Rally & AGM – Friday, 22 April-Sunday, 24 April – speakers Michael Clark, Pastor Aimer (twice), Pastor Phillips, Dr Smyth, Martin Lightfoot, Pastor Pearson, Alfred Brown and Margery Dowling. This annual gathering of the North West Area always marks the beginning of the main events of the year. Contact Margery Dowling for your last minute place! Our Christian Heritage – Carlisle Cathedral – on Saturday, 25 June. There will be a guided tour of this historic place of worship meeting at 11.30 am at the main entrance of the Cathedral.
The tour of the Palace of Westminster was very well attended. A group of 23 people met for a snack followed by an introductory talk by Michael Clark in the cafe in Central Hall, Westminster. Then there was a short walk to the Cromwell Green entrance and a thorough security check before entering the Great Hall and meeting the official guide. Two hours later everyone was ready for some tea after a very interesting and detailed tour of the main rooms and the two Chambers.
Remember to complete your booking form for the Summer Convention, 18-23 July. The theme of ‘The Foundations of the Nation must be Restored’ is a vital one. If you are unable to come then your prayer support is greatly appreciated.
‘Come out of her, My people’ is the theme of a Christian EU Leave Rally organised for Christian leaders to come together and pray for the nation as the date of the Referendum draws near. It is sponsored by the Kingdom Foundation and organised by Michael Clark. He, Clifford Smyth and David Aimer are among the 9 speakers who will be meeting at Orange Street Congregational Church, London, on Saturday, 21 May 2016, from 12.30-4.45 pm.
Philippa Clark, Publicity Officer
Contact: BIWF, 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland,
County Durham, DL14 0HA e-mail:
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