Life in the BIWF - August 2016
24/08/16 AUGUST 2016 Life IN THE B.I.W.F. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Welcome! More news for you to read about events, projects and activities in the Federation.
WITH THIS Life Following a very enjoyable Summer Convention when fellowship was shared with new and old friends, we are sending out the Notes and Charts from the Presidential address by Michael Clark and the programme for the 97th Annual Congress.
97th ANNUAL CONGRESS This year we will be meeting in Oxford at a hotel a short walk from the city centre. The theme of Congress is The Integrity of British Culture and Faith must be Conserved. There will be two very interesting visits on Saturday afternoon to the Bodleian Library first and then on to the Ashmolean Museum taking in the Martyrs Memorial on the way. Do read the programme and book your place now.
COVENANT PUBLISHING There were two new books on sale at the Summer Convention adding to the two mentioned in the February Life. They were British-Israel How I came to Believe it by Bishop Titcomb which is a very old publication originally but written in such a conversational style that it is a pleasure to read and The Restoration of Israel. This book by J Llewellyn Thomas will be remembered by many members for its red cover and by the clear way in which the author explains all the scriptures which cover this important topic.
FUTURE EVENTS Our Christian Heritage – St Asaph Cathedral, Wales – on Saturday, 3 September at 1.00 pm, meeting at the cathedral main entrance. There will be a guided tour of this ancient place of worship which dates back to the 6th century. Then there will be a short illustrated talk on The Biblical Heritage of the Cymru People. Our Christian Heritage – in the British Museum, London – on Saturday, 29 October at 1.00 pm, meeting at the museum main entrance. There will be a guided tour featuring the Israelite occupation of the Holy Land, their mass deportation to Assyria and tracking their changed identity as migrating tribes in Asia and Europe. Northern Ireland Rally – on Saturday, 17 September at 2.00 pm in the Chimney Corner Hotel in Belfast. The speakers will be Michael Clark and Clifford Smyth.
SUMMER CONVENTION There were greater numbers of people attending this year’s Summer Convention than in some previous years and it was very encouraging to have new members and friends coming for the first time. There was a return visit from Andrew Adams, President of BIWF New Zealand and an opportunity to welcome two speakers from overseas for the first time. They were Brooks Alden of the Association of Covenant People and Pastor Henry Jackson from South Africa. Please remember that all the lectures will be available on DVD in due course.
HM THE QUEEN’S 90th BIRTHDAY The rally on Saturday, 4th June at Headquarters in Low Etherley was attended by a small but enthusiastic group and blessed by some good weather. The programme was adjusted because unfortunately David Aimer was unable to be there due to ill health but Michael Clark and Martin Lightfoot stepped in and covered the gap. Michael Clark spoke on King Hezekiah of Judah before the lunch break and Martin Lightfoot gave a presentation on The Roots of the British Monarchy afterwards. The day continued with Prayers for the Nation and finally a quiz organised by Kathleen Gage which was won by Anne Walton.
RECENT EVENTS Morecambe Rally & AGM – Friday, 22 April-Sunday, 24 April – this annual Rally was once again a very enjoyable time of fellowship by the sea with the magnificent views across the bay. Many thanks to Bishop John and Betty McLean for providing the church and premises again for all the meetings. Northern Ireland Rally – the Rally was held on the 30th April. The first speaker’s title was “Come out of her my People” by Pastor Alan Stephens which was then followed by Pastor David Aimer who spoke on “The Royal Coat of Arms.” Due to the day also being David’s 65th birthday Ann Smyth produced a large cake with one candle that went off like a rocket! Roger Bradley was responsible to make sure the fire alarm did not go off !! Our Christian Heritage – Carlisle Cathedral – this tour was on Saturday June 25th and the event was well supported. As a designated Cathedral guide, Frank Tebbutt very ably and comprehensively pointed out the many fascinating historical and architectural features of this ancient and illustrious site of Christian worship on the border of Scotland and England. Fellowship and much discussion followed in a nearby cafe.
Philippa Clark, Publicity Officer Contact: BIWF, 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 0HA e-mail:
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