As an educational society, the Federation sets forth the central theme of the whole Bible. It proclaims both the Gospel of Salvation and the Gospel of the Kingdom, as taught by our Lord Himself. These two aspects of the Christian faith are complementary parts of the whole counsel of God.

While we never fail to present the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of the world, we also proclaim Him as the Redeemer of the lost sheep of the House of Israel; and in doing so, bear witness to the continuity of God’s Servant Nation,

We are at a very crucial point in our island history. The Nation under God is a difficult concept for the present generation who have never been taught that they have a great and unique birthright.

There is an extensive range of products for you to browse and purchase online at The Covenant Publishing Company Ltd online book store.

Click on any of the books above to find out more!

Message Of The Minor Prophets - Now Available


Cover - Message Of The Minor Prophets


An updated version of the 1951 1st edition. - Each one of the 12 books of the minor prophets has a stirring message for our day and generation, and amply repays careful and prayerful study.

Click Here for more information and to buy!

Royal House of Britain An Enduring Dynasty + Chart - Now Available


Cover - Royal House of Britain An Enduring Dynasty + Chart


NEW 16th PRESTIGE EDITION An A4, Soft back presentation, with new colour illustrations, of the genealogy of our Royal Family; includes a separate detailed black and white Chart, tracing our throne back to King David of Israel and beyond.

Click Here for more information and to buy!



The Integrity of British Culture & Faith
Must be Conserved


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sign of the fish?

The vision is great and
so is the God of Jacob

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