APRIL 2017

Life IN THE B.I.W.F.





More news for you to read about events, projects and activities in the Federation.



There is a flyer to mark the triggering of Article 50 on 29 March 2017 included with this ‘Life.’ It will also go out with the next issue of The Covenant Nations magazine. More copies are available from Headquarters on request. It is very encouraging to know that ‘Brexit’ has seen a new interest in our message and a desire for membership applications and introductory packs.



Remember the Rally on Saturday 3 June at Headquarters – programmes sent out previously. It will be an opportunity to meet together to focus on the great and mighty works of Almighty God in our nation’s history which will be covered by Michael Clark and to give thanks while looking forward with confidence to coming events. David Aimer will be leading the prayers of Thanksgiving at the Rally. Martin Lightfoot will be marking the centenary of the prophetic Deliverance of Jerusalem in 1917. This was the subject of a recently given talk by David Aimer at the Bishop Auckland Rotary Club dinner. It has generated some interest in the topic.



Wigan (Good Friday) 14 April – speakers David Aimer and Alfred Brown at 12 noon with lunch.

Morecambe Rally & AGM – Friday 21 April–Sunday 23 April – speakers Alfred Brown, David Aimer, Frank Tebbutt, Robert Phillips, Clifford Smyth, Norman Pearson, Margery Dowling and Martin Lightfoot.

Northern Ireland Rally – on Saturday, 6 May, at 2.00pm in the Chimney Corner Hotel in Belfast. Speakers – Michael Clark and Clifford Smyth



A guided tour which was well supported by 14 guests at The Museum of Methodism and Wesley’s House and Chapel took place in London on Saturday 25 March. This visit featured the remarkable 18th century evangelical revival which sprang from the earlier protestant reformation and shaped Britain’s political, spiritual and social history. The nation was therefore being Divinely prepared for the 19th century expansion of the British Empire and subsequent huge missionary enterprise which took the blessing of the Christian Gospel to ‘all the families of the Earth’ as promised to the biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Israel.

John Wesley’s life and ministry almost spanned the entire century which led up to what students of Bible prophecy have observed to be the end of the 2520 year (7 times) ‘punishment’ period for the migrating tribes of Israelites which were taken captive by the Assyrians in the 8th century BC. It was further noted that Dinsdale Young, an ardent supporter of the British Israel message, was the superintendent minister of Wesley’s Chapel during the early part of the 20th century.


These visits to different places of BI significance continue to be a very enjoyable way of learning more about the message and of introducing new friends to the teaching. The next one which is planned is to Edinburgh: a date for your diary. There is a tour on Saturday, 24 June, to visit Holyrood Palace looking at the State Apartments and also the ruins of Holyrood Abbey which was founded by David I in 1128. It begins at 1.00pm, meeting at the main entrance of the Palace which is located at the bottom of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. All welcome!



There have been very gratifying sales of CPC books on Kindle since this feature and the titles were advertised in The Covenant Nations magazine. It is very pleasing to have the feedback that readers are responding to the articles and information. There were 40 of The Drama of the Lost Disciples, 10 of Did Our Lord visit Britain?, 7 of We have a Guardian and 5 of Far above Rubies sold.



This is a new booklet written by Vivien Cooksley and first printed in Australia. She has given permission for the UK edition. She has drawn on the work of Percy J Brooke which was used by CPC when it produced Eating for Life in 1995. The Biblical Food Laws builds on that booklet with more information and scriptural content which readers will find very useful. All the difficult scriptures are explained and the scientific reasons for not eating some creatures are outlined.



The programmes have been sent out – remember to book! It promises to be another very enjoyable time of worship, teaching and fellowship.


Philippa Clark, Publicity Officer

Contact:  BIWF, 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 0HA

E-mail: admin@britishisrael.co.uk



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